My ct scan earlier this week shows that my treatment failed again. The recent procedure successfully eliminated the targeted liver tumors but more have grown since then. I'll be heading in for another biopsy and then starting a new chemo regimen. Meanwhile, my insurance dropped me and we've spent the last 3 weeks trying to get that straightened out. Please keep my family in prayer. Some are handling this better than others. I am not one of them. We're praying for a miracle only my Creator can provide and trusting his plans even if they're different than mine.
• To my friends that share my faith, my hands are weary. I need my Aarons and Hurs.
• To my friends that don't share my faith or are curious about it, I am an open book. Ask me anything. I really do believe that God's plans are better than mine and that cancer and all the challenges that have come with it or because of it are part of his plans for me. When I hesitate to share anything but good news, I am reminded that there is ALWAYS good news. So, here is my good news today: my pain levels have significantly dropped AND this new treatment is still an oral medication and I don't need a port in my chest again. I can be thankful for those things and focus on living fully for today. Tomorrow has enough trouble of its own.
