I'm back in the hospital. My liver pain started getting worse yesterday and the dr covering for my oncologist told me to increase my dosage of morphine. 24 hrs later and still no relief. I called back and they told me to head to the ER.
They gave me a different pain med to work with the morphine. It's helping right now. I'm back on oxygen again as well.

I think they're planning to do another chest xray to see if the pneumonia is worsening or healing. My skin itches like crazy from all the meds and my liver not functioning properly. My head feels like I'm swimming. Please pray for me. 💗
I'm still in the hospital. They're still trying to get the dosage right to manage my pain so I can go home. I had a reaction to one of the meds they gave me last night so they had to wait for me to flush it from my system. Feeling better now though 😌 and hopefully I can go home tomorrow morning. CT scan shows about the same amount of fluid in my lings as last week and no blood clots.
Home. I'm on a new combination of pain medication and my lungs are starting to heal from pneumonia. S-l-o-w-l-y but surely.
Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit beat up.

As the only one here checking blood sugars, I am finding it challenging to eat at a regular time. I have lost so much weight in the last 3 months that I have to pay attention to what I'm eating and when. 30 lbs since November but you couldn't tell by my waist, swollen from cancer in my liver to the point of looking pregnant. Things aren't always what they seem.
If all goes well, I'll still have labs done Wed and start my new chemo Thu. Please pray for my lonely heart to be content and for my body to be healed.
Praying for you up to three times a day. God bless you with a miracle.