When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

FACT: Cancer doesn't take a day off. Not even Christmas. It works around the clock, every day, and through the night.
FACT: Having health insurance doesn't mean all related expenses are covered. It doesn't necessarily even cover procedures deemed medically necessary by multiple doctors. It definitely doesn't cover traveling expenses to seek care outside our rural community.
FACT: There is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. This fast growing cancer has spread innumerable metastases to my bones and my liver. Due to my young age, treatment is aggressive and ruthless on my body.
FACT: Due to ongoing pain and fatigue, I am closing my art studio to reduce overhead expenses. While my expenses continue to add up, my ability to work is reduced. My business used to be my distraction from life with cancer.
Yesterday, I was reminded that faith, no matter how great, does not spare us from adversity. I have faith. I have hope. And I have love. All I need is in Christ alone.
For the last month, we have been waiting for my insurance company to review my radiologist's appeal to cover the procedure on my liver tumors. They denied coverage just days before I was scheduled to go in. We were told we'd have an answer on November 28th...Thanksgiving Day. We knew this was unlikely since they're closed on holidays. Last week they acknowledged this to my oncologist and told her they'd announce their decision on Friday, November 29th instead. I called at 10 AM to find they were closed that day too.
This afternoon, I called the radiologist. They informed me that they'd called in the morning and there was STILL no decision. They responded by demanding a response by the end of the business day or they'd be filing a complaint with the medical board. With that information in hand, I called my insurance company myself.
At first, I was told they had no record of an appeal.
Then, they found it and told me a decision was made this morning. The denial is being upheld.
Next step, file for an administrative hearing.
I'm not even sure I want to continue to pursue this. I don't know yet if I should. Is it possible that these denials are God's way of shutting the door? I don't know...
Both my regular oncologist and my integrative oncologist are referring me to a doctor in Seattle. This is the same doctor that ran the study for the modified treatment we tried to convince my regular oncologist to do early this year. Now she's totally on board and spoke to the doctor herself today. It's encouraging to know she's looking forward to working with him.
Charlie and I will fly up Dec 15th for an appointment the next day. Thanks to a handful of recent donations, we are able to do this right away and I was able to see my integrative oncologist 2 weeks ago. Thank you so very much for your help❤
P.S. Tomorrow is GivingTuesday. If you would like to help with my ongoing healthcare expenses, a
account has been started for me. (
, and
are fee-free options.) I know it's the holidays and I don't want anyone to feel pressured. Perhaps foregoing a cup of coffee or dinner out would be a sacrifice you'd consider on my behalf? As always, your prayerful support is just as valuable 💕 Another way to show your support? Sharing the artwork I have for sale. The picture below of my art exhibit at The Rogue Grape in downtown Medford. More will be posted this week.
