Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5

I just realized that I never gave an update following my recent tests and upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. My gastroenterologist took multiple biopsies and the results came back that I have lymphocytic colitis (a type of microscopic colitis), which is basically inflammation of the large intestine. It's believed to be caused or triggered by a virus or bacteria. Another theory is that it's caused by diabetic medications, among other things. I bring up these two possible causes because I believe those are the culprits in my case:
Remember 2 and a half months ago when I got super sick and ended up in the ER? That's when this all began. My gut hasn't been the same since then.
And I've been on metformin for the last 3 years. I'm not diabetic (my doc says "pre-prediabetic", if that makes any sense) but my integrative oncologist wanted to keep my blood sugar levels low to reduce my risk of recurrence. Well, see how well that worked? I had planned to ask my doctor if I could go off it at my next appointment but when I went to refill my prescription today before we leave on vacation, the pharmacist said my prescription is expired. I guess I'm going off it anyway!
The good news, aside from now knowing what is causing this constant diarrhea, nausea, and belly pain, is that lymphocytic colitis is totally treatable.
The bad news is that my insurance has now denied coverage for the treatment twice. Now my doctor will have to appeal it. If that fails, then it's MY turn to appeal it.
On top of that, my CA 15-3 (tumor markers) continue to rise.

Folks, I'm a mess. I'm leaving on a family vacation tomorrow and I'm miserable. In addition to my gut issues, I'm getting shooting pains in my lower back. My skin is crazy itchy from my new meds. My head hurts and my vision is funky. Please pray. I have sooo been looking forward to this time away with my family. We are traveling tomorrow for a bit of a relaxing lakeside family reunion in the Ozarks. I'm nervous about being on the plane and just getting through the airport for our connecting flights.
I want to say thank you to those of you that have brought us meals recently. It's been a huge help.
I need to finish packing and I really just want to stay in bed. I almost need a separate carry-on just for my medications and supplements!

Thanks for praying💕