For the last 2 weeks, since the results came back from my upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, I've been fighting with my insurance to cover my doctor's recommended treatment. On Monday, I realized the stress of this wasn't worth the effect on my health so I decided to just pay for it out of pocket after my doctor's office said it should be about $90-100. I took the prescription to my pharmacy last night. $2,000. Yeah, no. Please don't recommend Good Rx. I tried that too and it was still outrageous.
Today I submitted an appeal to reverse the decision based on the effect this is having on my cancer treatment. They said it would be pointless since there's no new information. I asked if it would be different if my doctor submitted it. They already did and it was still denied.
Monday, my oncologist referred me to a practitioner for counseling. She said this one specializes in treating cancer patients. Today I was told she doesn't accept my insurance. They'd probably deny me coverage anyway.

I quit. I will just have to pray my gut heals on its own. God willing. Meanwhile, I'll be in my blanket fort, sucking my thumb, and watching Netflix. Stupid, stupid day...