This explains why my belly is bloated and tender. Significant growth in this liver tumor is no bueno. At least my lungs are clear and my bones show no progression. These pesky liver tumors are AGGRESSIVE and STUBBORN. Like me.

I saw my oncologist yesterday morning. My tumor cell count has more than doubled from 3 weeks ago and that's on the higher dose. The tumors in my liver are growing and multiplying. She is consulting with my breast cancer specialist at OHSU but is recommending I start Taxol ASAP. This one of the chemo drugs they gave me before (it gave me neuropathy and nose bleeds). It will require putting in a port again and chemo infusions. The specialist might have a trial for me but we needed to wait for the results of last night's MRI of my brain. (Brain mets changes treatment options.) Please keep praying. I can't find the words myself.
The GOOD NEWS: My brain is CLEAR! Hallelujah!
The NOT SO GOOD NEWS: Yet another treatment has failed. I feel like my body has betrayed me and I no longer recognize it as my own. I know this earthly vessel is but temporary, yet I can't help but long for miraculous healing. I trust God's will for me, even if I don't understand it.
Thank you, Pauline ❤
I am praying to our Lord, Jesus. I am a Catholic and I also pray for the mother of Jesus, Mary intercede in my prayers through the Rosary. Catholics believe in the miracles God allows through intercession of saints. St. Jude especially for serious causes. I believe that when we pass the Lord asks us to pray for those on earth. I have an unlit candle of St. Jude. I am lighting that candle for you that the liver tumor shrinks. That your team is aware of all treatments for you. God is with you and we love you. God hears your prayers, but he expects those who love him to love our neighbor as ourselves and our pray…