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Writer's picturetikanicole

6 hours

Last night I spent 6 1/2 hours in the Emergency Room. What started as a sharp pain in my back on Friday afternoon (not out of the ordinary but more pronounced than usual), progressed to pain in my ribs making it difficult to take a deep breath. This accompanied by a severe headache through most of the weekend.

I called the on-call oncologist Sunday afternoon to determine whether or not I should be seen or wait til Monday. It just happened to be my oncologist on duty so, knowing my history, she sent me in. Even though my tumor cell count was down, she was concerned about a bone fracture or a blood clot.

CT scans and labs were done. No fractures. No blood clots. No obvious answers for my increase in pain. The ER doctor offered to admit me to control my pain but since I already have the same meds they were giving me at home, I opted for my own bed.

Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. Psalms 119:49‭-‬50

In the middle of the night, while doped up on morphine, I find myself having vulnerable conversations with my strong beloved husband. God bless him.

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